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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

SOME Methods For Online Earning 2019

SOME Methods For Online Earning 2019

Drop shipping,cryptocurrency, e-commerce,and Amazon, and Shopify

can you actually make 100 bucks a day doing those things? The answer is absolutely you could. But there's one big fucking problem.
All these things, it takes money to get going. How do you get going when you
got no money or no budget? What do you do?
Well just think about it.If you are selling something on Amazon,well guess what, where are you gonna buy those fucking products?
Well, you buy from China,
you buy from AliExpress.
Guess what?
It costs money.To build that website, the
e-commerce website, guess what? It costs money to start.
What about that Shopify?What about the software to maintain the site?
Guess what? It costs money to do it.
What about driving
traffic to your website?
Guess what, it costs money to do it?
Well what about investing
in cryptocurrency? Guess what?
It costs money to do that as well.
Or day trading?
It costs money to be
doing day trading as well.
So there's so many
things that you could do,
yes you could make money
doing those things.
The problem is you're not
doing them in the right order.
I always tell all my
students, you wanna take care
of your cash flow needs
today, before you worry
about getting rich.
You gotta get money coming in today.
Make that first $50, $100, $200 a day,
get it going.
Then once you've got
enough income coming in,
once you develop that high income skill.
Now define high income skill.
It's a skill that can make
you $10,000 or more per month.
Once you do that, then if you want to,
you could pursue all these other ventures
and you can then tap
into and try and test out
some of these vehicles, business vehicles.
But first you need to have that skill set.
So everybody is chasing the next thing,
the next big thing, the next shiny object,
when I what I do, what my students do is
we are using the oldest
ways to make money.
See most people, they're looking at it,
yet they're stepping over
dollars to pick up dimes.
What I'm talking about.
I'm talking about the gold ol' telephone.
That's right, the good old phone.
Simple, simple tool to make $100 a day.
Let me share my business model with you,
my formula with you, the very same formula
that I teach all my
students across the world,
the high ticket closing methodology.
Here's how it's gonna work.
Imagine this.
There are companies out
there, nowadays it costs more
than ever to acquire
customers, so most companies
you notice, there's advertising,
is costing more money than ever because
it's more competitive than
ever in the marketplace.
So a lot of companies, when
they are selling any kind
of product, most products
under $200, most of the time,
those are what are called
the initial product
that they are using those
products in the marketplace,
companies, entrepreneurs, they're selling
these products hopefully
to develop a relationship
with a customer.
It's to break the wallet and
just start the relationship,
star the conversation.
All the money is made
after that $200 is spent
when they realize, hey, you know what?
Once my customer trusts our
brand, trusts our company,
now we can follow up
with them and offer them
other products and services
that are at the 2,000,
3,000, 5,000, 10,000,
20,000, 25,000 or more.
That's where the money is made.
Here's the problem.
Those offers I refer them
as high ticket offers.
$5,000, $10,000, $25,000,
$50,000, those sales,
they need to be closed on the phone.
Very rarely people buy
something at that kind
of price point looking at
a video or just looking
at a website.
They need to have that
one on one conversation.
So what does that have to do with you?
That's where you come in.
Imagine this, let's say you
are closing for a company,
or you're closing for an entrepreneur.
Let's say their offer is $1,000.
And if you're a good closer,
you have good closing skill,
they are willing to pay
you $100, which is 10%
of the sale, 10% commission.
That's $100, so I want
you to think about it.
If you're closing some of these packages,
some of these products and services,
1,000 bucks, you make $100 a sale,
that's $100 a day, all
you need to do is what?
To make one single sale a day.
That's it, one single sale a
day, you get your 100 bucks.
What is your cost?
How many websites do you have to build?
How many products do you have to buy?
Zero, why?
Because you're not
selling your own products.
You're not selling your own offers.
You're selling other people's offers.
The company, the influencer,
the entrepreneur,
they are doing all the marketing.
They're doing all the lead generation.
They're driving all the traffic.
They are building the funnel.
They are creating content.
They're writing a blog.
They're creating videos.
They're doing the press release.
They're doing 90% of the work,
but yet they don't make the money
until someone like you
and me get on the phone
and close those high ticket sales.
This is one of those very rare skills
that you could make your
$100 a day with no expense
and no overhead.
Now, you may be thinking,
well Dan are you talking
about being like a annoying telemarketer?
Does that mean I have to cold call people?
Does that mean I have to
do a lot of prospecting?
Oh my God, like, I can't do that.
I'm a shy person.
I'm not very talkative.
It's not about none of that shit.
I am talking about talking
to people who have put
up their hand.
I'm talking about talking
to prospects who have gone
through a series of steps, who have filled
out an application form,
and they've booked a time
to speak with you as a high ticket closer,
and then you close those sales.
That's what I teach.
Zero cold calling.
It has nothing to do
with building a website.
You don't have to do anything online.
And you don't have to
cold call a single person.
That's the power of high ticket closing.
Now, if you're thinking,
well, I don't know
if sales is for me, or
if I'm not, I don't know
if I'm a sales person, it's
not about being a sales person.
If you have not watched my other videos,
I say you go click here
and watch my other videos.
Or you can go to YouTube
and type in Dan Lok sales,
or Dan Lok closing,
you'll see of the things
that I do, what high
ticket closing sounds like,
and look like.
And I can promise you it's very different
from traditional sales.
Because who else wants to
get the telephone slammed
in their face every damn day?
I don't do that.
Who wants to do that?
Like, who wants to get
rejected all the time?
That's not a good way to make a living.
That's definitely not the
way I wanna make a living.
If you want a proven business model,
you want a no-bullshit
way to make $100 a day,
I'm doing a brand new training,
a two-hour masterclass.
I wanna invite you click on
the link below and join me.
I'm gonna walk you through four secrets
that has helped my
students to make $1,000,
$500, $200, or as little as $100 a day.
So click on the link below,
and I will see you in class.

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